I have known Melissa since my 9th grade year when she was my english teacher. I would say that I was the classic "good student". It wasnt until my Junior year of high school that I would become close to Melissa through a student group called Tiger Fever. Melissa was the teacher sponsor for Tiger Fever and I got along with her very well. We kept in close contact after I graduated and I would visit her and her husband, Jimmy, when I was in town. I had lunch with her multiple times when she got pregnant and was very excited to meet Caleb. I remember on May 21, 2010 at 2 pm I met Caleb James Granger for the first time. He was so small and precious!
I had the privilege to go to his 1st birthday party on Saturday and take a few pictures! He has grown up so much and already has the sweetest personality! I look forward to many more years of celebrating Caleb's birthday with the wonderful Granger family! Here are a few of my favorites form this weekend. Enjoy!